Ewalia Organic Oxymel Bee strong

Ewalia Organic Oxymel Bee strong

AED 248.00
+ AED 82.00 Air Shipping

  • Includes any applicable VAT and customs duty.
  • Air shipping cost to be recalculated with delivery address at checkout.
  • To be delivered in 6 - 9 * working days.
  • 100% genuine and new product.
  • Credit card / Cash on Delivery
Honey, apple cider vinegar and herbs for a strong immune system
Oxymel with honey, apple cider vinegar and herbs for a strong heart and immune system
Soothing Oxymel with herbs such as rose hip (with vitamin C), echinacea, licorice, gentian, hawthorn, nettle, Lemon balm and fennel for a strong immune system..
What is an Oxymel?
Oxymel is 'sour honey' in German (oxy = sour, mel = honey). Oxymels are made from honey, vinegar and herbs. Mixed drinks with water have been highly valued since ancient times. This is primarily because of the positive health effects.
Even the basic ingredients honey and apple cider vinegar are very valuable for health. Honey alone has around 180 different ingredients. Apple cider vinegar is also an effective food and vital substance with a large number of valuable ingredients. The health benefits are increased by adding various herbs. They are selected depending on the intended effect and area of ​​application and prepared with the vinegar-honey mixture.
Herbal honey apple cider vinegar extract (rose hips, echinacea, licorice, fennel, gentian, hawthorn, nettle, lemon balm)
Nutritional information
Not relevant
Storage & usage instructions
Keep out of reach of children. Store protected from light and heat, dry and tightly closed.
Honey, apple cider vinegar and herbs for a strong immune system
Honey, apple cider vinegar and herbs for a strong immune system
Oxymel with honey, apple cider vinegar and herbs for a strong heart and immune system
Soothing Oxymel with herbs such as rose hip (with vitamin C ), echinacea, licorice, gentian, hawthorn, nettle, lemon balm and fennel for a strong immune system..
Oxymel is 'sour honey' in German (oxy = sour, mel = honey). Oxymels are made from honey, vinegar and herbs. Mixed drinks with water have been highly valued since ancient times. This is mainly because of the positive health effects.
Even the basic ingredients honey and apple cider vinegar are very valuable for health. Honey alone has around 180 different ingredients. Apple cider vinegar is also an effective food and vital substance with a large number of valuable ingredients. The health benefits are increased by adding various herbs. They are selected depending on the intended effect and area of ​​application and prepared with the vinegar-honey mixture.
Product Information
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Ewalia Organic Oxymel Bee strong

AED 248.00
+ AED 82.00 Air Shipping
  • Includes any applicable VAT and customs duty.
  • Air shipping cost to be recalculated with delivery address at checkout.
  • To be delivered in 6 - 9 * working days.
  • 100% genuine and new product.
  • Credit card / Cash on Delivery
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