About Us

“The home price”, it’s our mission statement.

So that the budget tight dad happily affords an awesome science toy for his kid. So that no mom sighs over the excessive markups, of those products that aren’t meant to cost so much in their home country. We all know how that feels.

For this mission, we choose to be a forwarder. Forward from one place to another. Forward from the price leader of the home market to you for your loved ones.

In our pursuit of that happy smile, we agonize ourselves in logistics. We will not take for granted the overpriced overseas shipping. We take the extra effort and complexity to keep the cost shared and therefore minimal.

For all this, we write many codes. Days and nights. We dream of the world’s coolest products at their lowest home price.

We know we’re not there. We can’t yet afford a large customer service team. We may drop balls. But we promise. We will strive to improve ourselves. We will do so honestly and sincerely. One day, our spirit will be felt.

Honest Forwarder team

The home price dreamer