Roba Baumann Gmbh Sit Up Highchair With Steps (Painted White)

Roba Baumann Gmbh Sit Up Highchair With Steps (Painted White)

AED 411.00
+ AED 309.00 Air Shipping

  • Includes any applicable VAT and customs duty.
  • Air shipping cost to be recalculated with delivery address at checkout.
  • To be delivered in 6 - 9 * working days.
  • 100% genuine and new product.
  • Credit card / Cash on Delivery
  • Roba stair high chair "Sit Up III", painted white, with protection bars, seat belt system, backrest made of moulded wood, branch backrest, seat and footrest divided in the height adjustable, total height 80cm, seat height max. 55cm, min. 42.5 cm, Wxd: 44,5x54cm
  • Roba stair high chair "Sit Up III", painted white, with protection bars, seat belt system, backrest made of moulded wood, branch backrest, seat and footrest divided in the height adjustable, total height 80cm, seat height max. 55cm, min. 42.5 cm, Wxd: 44,5x54cm
  • Description
    stairs high chair "Sit Up III", painted white, with protection bars, seat belt system, backrest made of moulded wood, branch backrest, seat and footrest divided in the height adjustable, total height 80cm, seat height max. 55cm, min. 42.5 cm, Wxd: 44,5x54cm The sparse stairs high chair 'Sit Up III' made of wood offers your child, from childhood to adolescence, ergonomic, safe and customized Seating comfort with a long usage and service life. Regardless of table height and age of your protégé with the quick-change artist and take part during the meals an active family life. For small children, he starts for sure at the highest level with protection bracket and belt system. To easier acceptance of a strap and belt system it grows stepwise approach supported by the height - adjustable and removable seat or footrest - to youth chair.
    Product Safety

    Der mitwachsende Treppenhochstuhl ‚Sit Up III‘ aus Holz bietet Ihrem Kind von klein auf bis ins Jugendalter ergonomischen, sicheren und angepassten Sitzkomfort mit einer langen Nutzungs- und Lebensdauer. Unabhängig von Tischhöhe und Alter findet Ihr Schützling mit dem Verwandlungskünstler überall Platz und nimmt während der Mahlzeiten aktiv am Familienleben teil. Für Kleinkinder startet er sicher auf höchster Ebene mit Schutzbügel und Gurtsystem. Nach einfacher Abnahme von Bügel und Gurtsystem wächst er stufenweise - unterstützt durch das höhenvariable und herausnehmbare Sitz- bzw. Fußbrett - zum Jugendstuhl heran.

    Product Information
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    Roba Baumann Gmbh Sit Up Highchair With Steps (Painted White)

    AED 411.00
    + AED 309.00 Air Shipping
    • Includes any applicable VAT and customs duty.
    • Air shipping cost to be recalculated with delivery address at checkout.
    • To be delivered in 6 - 9 * working days.
    • 100% genuine and new product.
    • Credit card / Cash on Delivery
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