MEDA Pharma Transulmine cold balm for children

MEDA Pharma Transulmine cold balm for children

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Transulmine Cold balm for children
Provider: Viatris Healthcare GmbH
Daring form: Creme
20 g | PZN: 00679368
40 g | PZN: 00679374
100 g | PZN: 00707490
Risks and side effects Read the package supplement and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Important information (mandatory information):
Transulmine Cold balm for children.
Areas of application: to improve the symptoms of colds of the respiratory tract with viscous mucus.
Use information: Information for the user
Cold balm for children, cream
1 g of cream contains the following active ingredients: 100.00 mg eucalyptus oil and 30.00 mg kiefer needle oil.
For use in children and adults
, read the entire package insert carefully because it contains important information for you. This medicine is available without a prescription. In order to achieve the best possible treatment success, transulmine cold balm must be used for children.
. Lift the package insert. You might want to read it again.
. Ask your pharmacist if you need more information or advice.
. If your symptoms worsen or no improvement occurs after 3-5 days, you must definitely see a doctor.
. If you notice side effects, please inform your doctor or pharmacist or the medical staff. This also applies to side effects that are not specified in this package insert.
This package insert contains:
1. What is transulmin cold balm for children and what is it used for?
2. What do you need to consider for children before using transulmine.
3. How is transulmine to use cold balm for children?
4. What side effects are possible?
5. How is transulmine to keep colds for children?
6. Content of the package and further information
1. What is transulmin cold balm for children and what is it used for?
Transulmine Cold balm for children is a vegetable medicine for colds of the respiratory tract.
Transulmine Cold balm for children is used to improve the symptoms for colds in the respiratory tract with viscous mucus.
for use on the skin and for the production of a steam for inhalation.
2. What do you need to consider for children before using transulmine.
Transulmine Cold balm for children must not be applied
- if they are hypersensitive to the active ingredients towards eucalyptus and/or cine pin oil as well as cineol, the main component of eucalyptus oil, as well as compared to the parabens Methyl-4-hydroxybenzoat (E218) , Propyl-4-hydroxybenzoat (E216), sodium methyl-4-hydroxybenzoat (E219) and sodium propyl-4-hydroxybenzoat (E217) or against one of the other components of transulmin cold balm for children.
- at bronchial asthma, bronchial catarrh, whooping cough, pseudo group or other respiratory diseases that are associated with a pronounced hypersensitivity of the airways. The inhalation of transulmine cold balm for children can lead to shortness of breath or trigger a asthma attack.
- on damaged skin (e.g. in the case of burns, injuries), as well as skin and childhood diseases with rashes (rash).
- in infants and toddlers up to the 2nd year of life (risk of larynx cramp).
- for inhalation in children under the age of 6.
- during pregnancy and breastfeeding, because of the content of eucalyptus oil and kiefed needle oil.
Warnings and precautionary measures
- contact with the eyes must be avoided.
- do not apply it over a large area. Use only on the chest and back, not on the lower parts of the body (belly and in the lumbar area).
- do not apply in the area of ​​mucous membranes.
- After use, please wash your hands well!
- do not apply internally!
- Transulmine Cold balm for children contains parabens for preservation. These can cause hypersensitivity reactions, sometimes also late reactions, in rare cases bronchial spasms.
- In children:
In small children aged 2 and over, you may not apply transulmine cold balm for children in the area of ​​the face, especially the nose!
It should be ensured that children with their hands cannot get in touch with the grated skin areas. Because of the risk of scalding through hot water, you can never let children inhale unobserved!
When using transulmine Cold balm for children with other drugs:
Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you have used other medicines or have recently applied, even if it is not prescription drugs. Eucalyptus oil causes activation of the foreign substance -reducing enzyme system in the liver. The effects of other medicines can therefore be weakened and/or shortened. If large -scale use, this cannot be excluded by the skin as a result of a large amount of ingredient. Therefore, ask your doctor if you use other medicines.
pregnancy and breastfeeding
Transulmine Cold balm for children should not be used due to insufficient examinations during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
traffic and operating machines:
No special precautionary measures are required.
Important information about certain other components of transulmine Cold balm for children
Transulmine Cold balm for children contains parabens as a preservative, they can cause hypersensitivity reactions, also late reactions and rarely cramp of the airways (bronchospasm).
3. How is transulmine to use cold balm for children?
Always apply colds to children after instructions in this package insert for children. Please ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are not quite sure. Due to the different diameters of the tube opening, different doses apply to the 20g/40g and 100 g tube. Unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor, please refer the correct dosage of the table.
Transulmine Cold balm for children is used as follows for inhalation in children from 6 years and adults:
tube size
individual dose
application frequency
20 g and 40 g
6-11 years
4-5 cm
3 times a day
adolescent from 12 years and adults
6-7 cm
3 times a day
100 g
from 6-11 years
3-4 cm
3 times a day
adolescent from 12 years and adults
4-5 cm
3 times a day
The ointment strand is based on the Poured the dosage with no more boiling water and inhaled the vapors for a few minutes. In order to avoid possible irritation of the binding skin on this type of inhalation, please keep your eyes closed or cover.
Transulmine Cold balm for children is used for rubbing in children from 2 years and adults as follows:
tube size
individual dose
application frequency
20 g and 40 g
2-5 years
3-4 cm
4 times a day
Children from 6-11 years
4-5 cm
4 times a day
adolescent from 12 years and adults
6-7 cm
4 times a day
100 g
children from 2-5 years
2-3 cm
4 times a day
Children from 6-11 Years
3-4 cm
4 times a day
adolescent from 12 years and adults
4-5 cm
4 times a day
The cream is on the respective dosage on the Disconnected the back and/or breast.
The duration of the use of transulmine Cold balm for children depends on the type, severity and the course of the disease. In any case, please note the information under point 2. "What. You must note before the application", as well as the information under "side effects". Use transulmine cold balm for children without medical advice for more than 3-5 days. In the event of symptoms that last longer or when the breath, fever, fever, as well as in purulent or bloody sputum, you have to see a doctor.
Please speak to your doctor or pharmacist if you have the impression that the effect of transulmine is too strong or too weak for children.
If you have used a larger amount of transulmine cold balm for children than you should:
If you have used a larger amount than you should, the side effects listed below may be reinforced.
If you have forgotten the use of transulmin cold balm for children:
Do not apply the double dose if you have applied too little or have forgotten the previous application, but drive with the application as from yours Doctor prescribed or described in the use information.
If you have applied a cold balm for children:
If you may notify user errors, please notify a doctor if necessary. This can decide on any necessary measures. Poisoning co -tanmmine Cold balm for children have not yet become known. If used as intended), nausea, vomiting and diarrhea can occur.
If you have any further questions about the application of the drug, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
4. What side effects are possible?
Like all medicines, transpulmine can have colds for children side effects, but this does not have to occur with everyone treated.
The following categories are used in the frequency information on side effects:
very often:
more than 1 treated of 10
1 to 10 treated by 100
1 to 10 treated from 1
1 to 10 of 10,000
very rare:
less than 1 treated of 10,000
not known:
The basis of the available data is not estimated.
Possible side effects:
Diseases of the immunoshouses
Rare: Sensitivity reactions, also late reactions
Diseases of the respiratory tract
Rare: Eucalyptus oil can cause larynx fragrance in infants and children up to 2 years. . In rare cases, cramping the respiratory muscles (bronchospasm) can be reinforced. There may be shortness of breath and cough. It cannot be ruled out that very rarely can acute shortness of breath occur in small children when used as intended.
Diseases of the skin and the subcutaneous zellaewebes
rare: over sensitivity reactions or irritation symptoms on the skin
General diseases and disorders on administration
Rare: Through the parabens of methyl 4-hydroxybenzoat (E218), propyl-4-hydroxybenzoat (E216), sodium methyl-4-hydroxybenzoat (E219) and sodium propyl-4-hydroxybenzoat (E217) (Bronchospasm).
Special information:
Soft countermeasures should be taken for side effects?
If side effects occur, the preparation should first be stopped and consulted with a doctor. This can decide on the severity and possibly necessary further measures.
. A doctor must be visited immediately in the case of acute shortness of breath in small children.
. In the first signs of a hypersensitivity reaction, transulmin must not be used again for children.
If you notice side effects, contact your doctor or pharmacist or medical staff. This also applies to side effects that are not specified in this package insert.
5. How is transulmine to keep colds for children?
Keep drugs for children inaccessible.
You can no longer use the medicine according to the expiry date specified on the container and the folding box. The expiry date refers to the last day of the month.
Conditions of storage:
Do not use over 25 ° C
Reference to durability after Anusbruch
do not use for more than 12 months after an onset.
6. Content of the package and further information
What transulmine Cold balm for children contains
1 g of cream contains the following active ingredients: 100 mg eucalyptus oil and 30 mg pine needle oil
The other components are:
preservatives ( Parabens): Methyl-4-hydroxybenzoat (E218), Propyl-4-hydroxybenzoat (E216), sodium methyl-4-hydroxybenzoat (E219) and sodium propyl-4-hydroxybenzoat (E217), emulsifying glycerol monostearta (type II, 32/36 ), Decyloleate, yellow Vaselin, high -disperse silicon dioxide, cleaned water.
How transulmine colds look for children and the contents of the pack:
Transulmine Cold balm for children is a white to yellow -white cream.
Transulmine Cold balm for children is available in packs of 20 g, 40 g and 100 g cream.
Pharmaceutical entrepreneur and manufacturer
Meda Pharma GmbH & Co. KG
Benzstraße 1
61352 Bad Homburg
Telephone (06172) 888-01
fax (06172) 888-2740
This use information was last revised in January 2012.
Source: Information from the package insert
Stand: 08/2015
Meda Pharma GmbH & Co.KG
Areas of application
-Cold diseases of the respiratory tract, especially with a tough mucus

Eucalyptus oil, pine needle oil, methyl-4-hydroxybenzoat, propyl-4-hydroxybenzoat, sodium-4 -methoxycarbonylphenolate, sodium-4-propoxycarbonylphenolate, glycerol monostearates, emulsifier (type II, 32/36, potassium salts), decyloleat, Vaselin, yellow, silicon dioxide, high-screen, cleaned
application notification
> The total dose should not be exceeded without consulting a doctor or pharmacist.
Type of application?
apply the medicine to the chest and back. Wash your hands thoroughly after use. Avoid accidental contact with mucous membranes, eyes and open skin areas. Or: inhale the medicine. To do this, pour the intended amount of the medicine with hot water. Caution hot! - The application should only be made if the safe handling of the medicine is granted. In order to avoid possible irritation of the connector, it is advisable to close or cover your eyes.
duration of the application?
Without medical advice, you should not use the medicine for more than 1 week. If you persevere or regularly recurring, you should see your doctor.
If the drug is used as described, no overdose symptoms are known. If the drug is swallowed, contact a doctor immediately. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea can occur. The following applies
: Pay particular attention to a conscientious dosage in infants, toddlers and older people. If in doubt, ask your doctor or pharmacist about any effects or precautionary measures.
A dosage prescribed by the doctor may differ from the information on the package insert. Since the doctor coordinates you individually, you should therefore apply the medicine according to his instructions.
mode of action
How do the ingredients of the drug work?
The ingredients come from several plants and act as a natural mixture. In the area of ​​application, they cause increased blood circulation and a mucus solution. Eucalyptus also stimulates the fine hairs of the upper respiratory tract to faster movements. As a result, fixed mucus can be better transported and coughing up. It also reduces the cough cramp. The ingredients of the jaws should also have a very weak bacterial -steady effect.
What speaks against an application?
- hypersensitivity to the ingredients
- asthma bronchiale
- whooping cough
- pseudo group
- bronchi that react hypersensively, e.g. to different fabrics, cold etc.
damaged skin (e.g. Burns, injuries, skin and childhood diseases with a rash)
Which age group must be observed?
- infants and toddlers under the age of 2: The medicine must not be used.
- children under the age of 6: The drug may cause breathing arrest. This age group must therefore not be applied in the area of ​​the face, especially the nose.
What about pregnancy and breastfeeding?
- pregnancy: The drug must not be used.
- breastfeeding: The drug must not be used.
If you have been prescribed the medicine despite a counter -notification, speak to your doctor or pharmacist. The therapeutic benefit can be higher than the risk of using a counter -notification.
Side effects
What undesirable effects can occur?
For the medicine, only side effects are described that have so far only occurred in exceptional cases.
If you notice a disorder or change during treatment, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
For information at this point, side effects are taken into account that occurs in at least one of 1,000 patients treated.
Important information
What should you consider?
- Caution when inhaling the drug: there is a risk that you scatter through the hot water vapor.
- parabens (preservatives e.g. E 214 - E 219) can cause hypersensitivity reactions, even with a time delay.
- menthol/campher/cineol: do not apply to children under 2 years or in the immediate vicinity of the respiratory organs; Danger of a larynx cramp. In sensitized patients, hypersensitivity reactions (including shortness of breath) can be triggered.
- There can be medicines that occur with which interactions occur. Therefore, you should generally provide the doctor or pharmacist before treatment with a new medicine. This also applies to medicines that you buy yourself, only apply occasionally or that the application has been available for some time.
package insert
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MEDA Pharma Transulmine cold balm for children
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  • Includes any applicable VAT and customs duty.
  • Air shipping cost to be recalculated with delivery address at checkout.
  • To be delivered in 6 - 9 * working days.
  • 100% genuine and new product.
  • Credit card / Cash on Delivery
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