MIKROZID microcid Universal Wipes Green Line

MIKROZID microcid Universal Wipes Green Line

AED 121.00
+ AED 53.00 Air Shipping

  • Includes any applicable VAT and customs duty.
  • Air shipping cost to be recalculated with delivery address at checkout.
  • To be delivered in 6 - 9 * working days.
  • 100% genuine and new product.
  • Credit card / Cash on Delivery
The product is suitable for disinfecting medical devices and other areas. The versatile quick disinfection is also suitable for disinfection of sensitive communication devices. Smartphones and tablets are among the frequent hand contact areas. With microcid® Universal Green Line, these can be prepared safely without the Materials to harm.
The product is well -compatible with metals and plastics (except acrylic glass and alcohol -sensitive varnishes). Please note the fire and explosion protection When using alcoholic disinfectants in the BR rule "disinfection work in the healthcare system". Keep away from heat and ignition sources. Must not get into the hands of children. Further information is on Request available. Schülke guarantees a shelf life of one month after the packaging has been handled.
Wipe the area thoroughly with the cloth and let the active ingredient solution act. Pay attention to the fully wetting of the areas. Make sure that all visible dirt is removed before disinfection. Only treat small areas. The wiping range depends on the room temperature and the structure of the surfaces to disinfect.
Pay attention to hygienic aspects when opening the soft pack. After use, pay attention to closing the lid. In the case of adenovirus and mycobacterium tuberculosis, keep the area moist during the entire exposure time. Intended exclusively for the use of specialists. Serious incidents related to the product must be reported to the manufacturer and the responsible authority. Not suitable for the final disinfection of semicritic and critical medical devices!
The product can be used without gloves if infection and occupational safety.
Low Ethanolic rapid disinfection of Non -invasive medical devices and surfaces
The product is suitable for disinfection of medical devices and other areas. The versatile quick disinfection is also suitable for disinfection of sensitive communication devices. Smartphones and tablets are among the frequent hand contact areas. With microcid® Universal Green Line, these can be prepared safely without the Materials to harm.
100% plastic -free towel

many times sustainable and climate -neutral

maximum material tolerance

of a matter of seconds
dermatologically tested

The product is well -compatible with metals and plastics (except acrylic glass and Ethanol -sensitive varnishes). Please note the fire and explosion protection When using Ethanolic disinfectants in the BR rule "disinfection work in the healthcare system". Keep away from heat and ignition sources. Must not get into the hands of children. Further information is on Request available. Schülke guarantees a durability of one month after the packaging has been broken. Pay attention to the fully wetting of the areas. Make sure that all visible dirt is removed before disinfection. Only treat small areas. The wiping range depends on the room temperature and the structure of the surfaces to disinfect.
Pay attention to hygienic aspects when opening the soft pack. After use, pay attention to closing the lid. In the case of adenovirus and mycobacterium tuberculosis, keep the area moist during the entire exposure time. Intended exclusively for the use of specialists. Serious incidents related to the product must be reported to the manufacturer and the responsible authority. Not suitable for the final disinfection of semicritic and critical medical devices!
The product can be used without gloves, provided that this allow infection and occupational safety.
Product Safety
Product Information
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MIKROZID microcid Universal Wipes Green Line

AED 121.00
+ AED 53.00 Air Shipping
  • Includes any applicable VAT and customs duty.
  • Air shipping cost to be recalculated with delivery address at checkout.
  • To be delivered in 6 - 9 * working days.
  • 100% genuine and new product.
  • Credit card / Cash on Delivery
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