MEDA Pharma Kamillosan mouth and throat spray

MEDA Pharma Kamillosan mouth and throat spray

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Kamillosan mouth and throat spray
Provider: Viatris Healthcare GmbH
Daring form: Spray
PZN: 05973405
Read the package supplement and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Important information (mandatory information):
Kamillosan mouth and throat spray.
Areas of application: for throat infections (tonsillopharyngitis) in the event of non -feverish colds and in the case of mucosal infections of the oral cavity and gums.
Warning: contains 25 vol.% alcohol!
Use information: Information for the user
Kamillosan mouth and throat spray, spray for use in the oral cavity in adults and children from 12 years
Read the entire package insert carefully before starting with the use of this medicine , because it contains important information. Always use this medicine as described in this package insert or exactly according to your doctor or pharmacist.
Use the package insert. You might want to read it again.
Ask your pharmacist if you need more information or advice.
If you notice side effects, contact your doctor or pharmacist or medical staff. This also applies to side effects that are not specified in this package insert. See section 4.
If you don't feel better or worse after 7 days, please contact your doctor.
What is in this package insert
What is Kamillosan mouth and throat spray and what is it used for?
What should you consider before using Kamillosan or throat spray?
How is Kamillosan to use mouth and throat spray?
What side effects are possible?
How is Kamillosan to keep mouth and throat spray?
Content of the pack and further information
1. What is Kamillosan mouth and throat spray and what is it used for?
Kamillosan mouth and throat spray is a vegetable medicine. It is a spray for use in the oral cavity. Kamillosan mouth and throat spray is used for throat infections (tonsillopharyngitis) in the event of non-feverish colds and in the case of mucosal infections of the oral cavity and gums.
2. What should you consider before using Kamillosan mouth and throat spray?
Kamillosan mouth and throat spray may not be applied if you allergic to:
chamomile and other basket blossoms (e.g. mugwort, yarrow, arnica, chrysantheme, Margerite),
anis or other umbel plants (e.g. apiaceen) (e.g. Celery),
anethol (a component of different essential oils, e.g. anise oil),
peppermint oil,
or one of the other components of Kamillosan in section 6 are mouth and throat spray.
do not apply to children under the age of 6.
Warnings and precautionary measures:
Do not spray in the nose! In the event of very severe symptoms, if there is no improvement within 7 days and when breathing short or fever occurs, a doctor should be consulted immediately.
Children under the age of 6 are not allowed to use Kamillosan mouth and throat spray. Give Kamillosan mouth and throat spray to children under the age of 12 only after consultation with the doctor, since there are not enough experience for this age group so far.
Use of Kamillosan mouth and throat spray together with other medicines:
Inform your doctor or pharmacist if you have recently used other medicines, use other medicines or intend to apply other medicines, even if it is not subject to prescription medicines acts. So far, there are no interactions on other drugs.
pregnancy and breastfeeding:
From the widespread use of chamomile as food and medicinal products, there have been no indications of risks in pregnancy and lactation. There are also no restrictions on the use of anise oil during pregnancy and breastfeeding in the recommended dose range. However, there is no knowledge of using peppermint oil during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Kamillosan mouth and throat spray should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding without consulting the doctor. Ask for advice before using all medicines, your doctor or pharmacist.
traffic and ability to use machines:
No special precautions are required if, as recommended, used.
Kamillosan mouth and throat spray contains macrogolglycerolricinoleate and macrogolglycerol hydroxystear, which can cause stomach upset and diarrhea as well as when using on the skin and mucous membrane. Kamillosan mouth and throat spray contains propylene glycol that can cause skin irritation. Kamillosan mouth and throat spray contains 25 vol.% Alcohol.
3. How is Kamillosan to use mouth and throat spray?
Always apply this medicine exactly as described in this package insert or exactly according to the consultation made with your doctor or pharmacist. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure. Unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, the usual dose is: adults and adolescents aged 12 and over: spray inflamed areas in the oral or throat 3 times a day with 2 sprays. It is advisable to carry out the spray treatment according to meals.
Type of application:
To use the spray head:
Please do not bend the fuel ear of the spray head forward.
Swing the dredging ear to the left or right into a horizontal position.
Remove the air from the pump system by pumping several times before the first application. Now you can use Kamillosan mouth and throat spray in accordance with dosage instructions.
If the spray ear is detached from the bracket due to improper use, it can be attached again with slight pressure (click noise audible). If the bottle already in use is already in use, a constipation of the spray ear can occur in rare cases. In this case, please keep the spray ear briefly under warm water. Please do not manipulate on the ear ear.
Duration of the application:
The duration of the use of Kamillosan mouth and throat spray depends on the type, severity and course of the disease. Use Kamillosan mouth and throat spray without medical advice for more than 7 days. Please also note the information under "Special Caution when using". Please speak to your doctor or pharmacist if you have the impression that the effects of Kamillosan are mouth and throat spray too strong or too weak.
If you have used a larger amount of Kamillosan mouth and throat spray than you should:
In connection with the application of Kamillosan oral and throat spray, no case has been reported. However, it is known that the excessive inhaling of preparations containing menthol can lead to complaints that can regress. The symptoms include vomiting, abdominal pain, drowsiness and disorders of cardiac activity. If you have any complaints, please speak to your doctor or pharmacist.
If you have forgotten the application of Kamillosan mouth and throat spray:
Do not apply twice the amount if you have forgotten the previous application. Drive the treatment as prescribed or as described in this package insert.
If you have any further questions about the application of this medicine, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.
4. What side effects are possible?
Like all medicines, this medicine can have side effects, but this does not have to occur with everyone. Possible side effects:
Diseases of the immune system:
not known (frequency not estimated based on the available data):
Allergic reactions (e.g. contact allergies with symptoms such as reddening, swelling, bubbles or itching)
Severe allergic Reactions (shortness of breath, swelling of the face, circulatory collapse, allergic shock), especially if the use of chamomile preparations
Cross reactions are not appropriate: These are allergic reactions in people with allergies against other plants from the family of the basket, yard, arnica, chrysanthema, Margerite) or the umbrella flower (e.g. celery-carrot and coexistence-spice syndrome).
Diseases of the respiratory tract:
rare (1 to 10 treated of 10,000):
cough reflex after inhalation of peppermint oil due to the menthol content
General diseases and symptoms at the place of administration:
frequently (1 to 10 treated from 100):
burning, temporarily after the application
significant side effects or signs that you should pay attention to, and measures if you are affected:
If there are signs of allergic reactions, turn Kamillosan mouth - and no further throat spray and see your doctor as soon as possible. The first signs of allergic reactions can be, for example: itching in the neck and throat, lip swelling and vesicles on the oral mucosa.
Announcement of side effects:
If you notice side effects, contact your doctor or pharmacist. This also applies to side effects that are not specified in this package insert. You can also directly see the Federal Institute for Medicines and Medical Devices, Pharmacovigilance, Kurt-Georg-Kiesinger Allee 3, D-53175 Bonn, website: By reporting side effects, you can help to provide more information about the safety of this drug.
5. How is Kamillosan to keep mouth and throat spray?
keep this medicine for children inaccessible. You can no longer use this medicine according to the expiry date specified on the container and the folding box. The expiry date refers to the last day of the specified month. Storage conditions: do not store over 25 ° C. Note on durability after ancillary: After an onset, Kamillosan should not be used for more than 12 months.
6. Content of the package and further information
What Kamillosan contains mouth and throat spray:
1 ml (= 0.98 g) spray contains as an active ingredient: extract (1: 4.0-4.5 ) from chamomile flowers: chamomile tongue flowers (both matricaria recutita L.) (4.7: 1) extracts: ethanol 38.5 % (m/m) (containing 1.36 % sodium acetate trihydrate, 0.45 % sodium ascorbate and 0, 0, 41 % sodium hydroxide) 366.5 mg, chamomile oil 0.7 mg, peppermint oil 18.5 mg, anise oil 7.0 mg. The other components are: macrogolglycerolricinoleate, macrogolglycerolhydroxystear, solved in ethanol 96%, propylen glycol, sodium dodecylsulfate, saccharin sodium, vanillin, citric acid, aroma substances, cleaned water.
what Kamillosan looks like and throat spray and contents of the pack:
Kamillosan mouth and throat spray is a brownish liquid that is administered using a spray pump (spray). The natural flowers or precipitation, sometimes occurring in the event of plant extracts, have no influence on the effectiveness of the preparation. Kamillosan mouth and throat spray is available in bottles for 30 ml.
Pharmaceutical entrepreneur and manufacturer:
Meda Pharma GmbH & Co. KG
Benzstraße 1
61352 Bad Homburg
Telephone (06172) 888-01
fax (06172) 888-2740 < BR> Email:
This use information was last revised in October 2015.
Source: Information from the package insert
as of: 10/2017
Made by: Meda Pharma GmbH & Co.KG
Areas of application
- throat inflammation (pharyngitis) - inflammation of the oral mucosa (stomatitis) - gum inflammation (gingivitis)
Chamomile blossom extract (1: 4.0-4.5); Extract means: ethanol 38.5% (m/m), chamomile flower oil, peppermint oil, anise oil, PEG (30-50) -rzinus oil, macrogol glycerolhydroxystear, ethanol 96% (v/v), propylene glycol, sodium dodecyl sodium, saccharin, vanilla, citronic acid , Aroma fabrics, natural, natural identical,
lemons, Linalool, water, cleaned
Application information
The total dose should not be exceeded without consulting a doctor or pharmacist.
Type of application?
Spray the medicine to the person concerned (s) of the oral mucosa or in the neck and throat.
or: Spray the medicine to the gums. The application should not be made before eating.
duration of the application?
If there are severe symptoms or a lack of improvement within 7 days and when taking breathing or fever, please contact a doctor immediately.
If the drug is used as described, no overdose symptoms are known. If in doubt, please contact your doctor.
Forgot application?
PRO THE WEET THE WITH as soon as you think about it and then keep your schedule. The following applies
: Pay particular attention to a conscientious dosage in infants, toddlers and older people. If in doubt, ask your doctor or pharmacist about any effects or precautionary measures.
A dosage prescribed by the doctor may differ from the information on the package insert. Since the doctor coordinates you individually, you should therefore apply the medicine according to his instructions.
mode of action
How do the ingredients of the drug work?
The ingredients come from several plants and act as a natural mixture. The anti -inflammatory effect is used by chamomile. Peppermint and anise inhibit the growth of germs.
What speaks against an application?
- hypersensitivity to the ingredients
Which age group must be observed?
- children under the age of 6: The drug must not be used.
- children under the age of 12: The drug should generally not be used in this age group.
What about pregnancy and breastfeeding?
- pregnancy: The drug should not be used according to current findings.
- breastfeeding: An application is advised against current findings. You may be to consider a weaning.
If you have been prescribed the medicine despite a counter -notification, speak to your doctor or pharmacist. The therapeutic benefit can be higher than the risk of using a counter -notification.
Side effects
What undesirable effects can occur?
For the medicine, only side effects are described that have so far only occurred in exceptional cases.
If you notice a disorder or change during treatment, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
For information at this point, side effects are taken into account that occurs in at least one of 1,000 patients treated.
Important information
What should you consider?
- Beware of allergy to ascorbic acid (vitamin C)!
- Caution with allergy against spices, such as anise, mugwort, dill, fennel, carrot, coriander, cumin, paprika, parsley, celery and tomatoes!
- Beware of allergy against Korbblütler (Latin name = composite), e.g. Arnika, marigold, yarrow, sun hat and chamomile!
- Beware of allergy against the sweetener saccharin (E 954)!
- The medicine contains alcohol in small quantities, should therefore be avoided by alcoholics.
- solving mediators (e.g. poly (oxyethylene) -ratinus oils) can cause stomach upset and diarrhea.
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MEDA Pharma Kamillosan mouth and throat spray
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  • Includes any applicable VAT and customs duty.
  • Air shipping cost to be recalculated with delivery address at checkout.
  • To be delivered in 6 - 9 * working days.
  • 100% genuine and new product.
  • Credit card / Cash on Delivery
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