Fisher Price Fph60 – Key And Bite Vai Rings Toy Electronic Ridi Lernt 6 – 3

Fisher Price Fph60 – Key And Bite Vai Rings Toy Electronic Ridi Lernt 6 – 3

AED 131.00
+ AED 70.00 Air Shipping

  • Includes any applicable VAT and customs duty.
  • Air shipping cost to be recalculated with delivery address at checkout.
  • To be delivered in 6 - 9 * working days.
  • 100% genuine and new product.
  • Credit card / Cash on Delivery
  • Press on the belly, dog and discover the songs for learning and much more
  • 2 padded keys all of the Mordicchiare and 1 spinner to explore
  • The Magic Stick songs and Frasette with those numbers, colours and shapes
  • And nose Dog switches on
  • Perfect for the child to maintain away from home
  • Description
    Press the body of your dog activate fun songs and phrases will teach to count, colours and shapes. There are 2 soft and fruit rubber keys and a spinner that promotes sensory exploration of the small and are perfect for playing on stick. The Puppy's nose glows too.Works with 1 Battery Size AAA (R03) Zinc Carbon (included). The children can have fun at home or SPASSO accompanied preferred this toy to your friend, dog. Through his body, the dog, the child to Numbers, colors and more leading lights of songs giocose, and a lovely nose. For an even more fun game, the children can spin the Spinner, or explore the two fluffy key of murder icchiare. Where occurs in game development, the first terms: dog leads, the colors, shapes and Counting with fun songs and phrases. complex motor skills: The children have the dexterity afferrando strengths and the interaction with the key or press the button to the songs. Creativity and imagination: the children of the world of role-playing game played by using the keys in your stories.
    Product Safety

    Die Kinder können das Spaß zu Hause oder SPASSO begleitet mit diesem Spielzeug Ihrem Freund vorgezogen, Hund. Durch seinen Körper, Hund führt das Kind an Zahlen, den Farben und vieles mehr mit Liedern giocose und einem liebenswerten Nase leuchtet. Für ein noch mehr lustige Spiel, die Kinder können zu drehen die Spinner oder erkunden die beiden flauschig Schlüssel von mordicchiare. Wo tritt in Spiel Entwicklung die ersten Begriffe: Hund führt die Farben, Formen und Zählen mit lustigen Liedern und Sätzen. komplexen motorischen Fähigkeiten: Die Kinder die Fingerfertigkeit afferrando stärken und die Interaktion mit Schlüssel oder drücken Sie die Taste, um die Lieder. Kreativität und Fantasie: die Kinder die Welt der Rollenspiel gespielt von benutzen die Schlüssel in ihren Geschichten.

    Product Information
    • Dimension :
    • Batteries: :
    • Item Weight :
    • Model Number :
    • Shipping Weight :
    • Main Language(s) :
    • Assembly Required :
    • Item model number :
    • Product Dimensions :
    • Batteries Included? :
    • Batteries Required? :
    • Remote Control Included? :
    • Manufacturer recommended age: :

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    Fisher Price Fph60 – Key And Bite Vai Rings Toy Electronic Ridi Lernt 6 – 3

    AED 131.00
    + AED 70.00 Air Shipping
    • Includes any applicable VAT and customs duty.
    • Air shipping cost to be recalculated with delivery address at checkout.
    • To be delivered in 6 - 9 * working days.
    • 100% genuine and new product.
    • Credit card / Cash on Delivery
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