Hexal Calcium 500 effervescent tablets

Hexal Calcium 500 effervescent tablets

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Calcium 500 hexal effervescent tablets
Provider: Hexal AG
Daring form: Brouse tablets
PZN: 07383926
Active ingredient: Calcium carbonate
Read the package insert and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Important information (mandatory information):
Calcium 500 mg hexal effervescent tablets.
active ingredient: calcium (as calcium carbonate). Areas of application: To prevent a calcium lack of lack of increased need (e.g. growth age, pregnancy, lactation), for the supportive treatment of osteoporosis.
Using information: Information for the user
Calcium 500 mg hexal effervescent tablets
active ingredient: calcium (as calcium carbonate)
carefully read the entire package insert before starting this drug, because it contains important information. Always take this medicine exactly as described in this package insert or take exactly according to your doctor or pharmacist.
Use the package insert. You might want to read it again.
Ask your pharmacist if you need more information or advice.
If you notice side effects, contact your doctor or pharmacist. This also applies to side effects that are not specified in this package insert. See section 4.
If you don't feel better or worse, contact your doctor.
What in this package insert:
What is calcium 500 mg hexal and what is it used for?
What should you consider before taking calcium 500 mg hexal?
How should Calcium be taken 500 mg of hexal?
What side effects are possible?
How is Calcium 500 mg of hexal to be kept?
Content of the pack and further information
1. What is calcium 500 mg hexal and what is it used for?
Calcium 500 mg hexal is a mineral preparation.
Calcium 500 mg hexal is used:
to prevent a calcium deficiency with increased need (e.g. growth age, pregnancy, lactation).
for supporting osteoporosis.
If you don't feel better or worse, contact your doctor.
2. What should you consider before taking calcium 500 mg hexal?
Calcium 500 mg hexal must not be taken:
if you are allergic to calcium carbonate or one of the other components of this medicine mentioned in section 6.
If calcium concentrations are too high in the blood or in the urine.
with a longer immobilization of limbs (immobilization).
in the case of calcium -containing kidney stones (nephrolithiasis) or calcification of the kidney (nephrocalcinosis).
Warnings and precautionary measures:
Please speak to your doctor or pharmacist before taking Calcium 500 mg hexal:
with limited kidney function, especially if you take aluminum -containing preparations.
with humiliated phosphate concentration in the blood (pituitary memia).
Also ask your doctor for advice if kidney stones containing calcium in your family have occurred.
By taking calcium 500 mg hexal, the excretion of calcium in the urine increases. In the first few months after the start of income, this also increases the tendency to precipitate calcium salts and, under certain circumstances, to form stones in the kidney and bladder. In patients who tend to form stones in the urinary tract, an increased fluid intake is therefore recommended. In the case of renal failure and pituitary memia, calcium 500 mg hexal should only be applied in the blood and urine while monitoring calcium and phosphate concentrations. During therapy with high doses calcium 500 mg hexal, especially if, in addition to vitamin D, diuretic agents (diuretics from the thiazid type) and/or calcium-containing medicines are treated or if additional (supplementary) means (such as milk) are taken, There is a risk of hypercalcemia that can follow a kidney function disorder. This risk also exists if you are pregnant and take high -dose calcium or if you have a limited kidney function. In such patients, serum calcium levels and kidney function should be monitored. Calcium and alkali absorption from other sources (food, enriched food or other medicines) should be observed if calcium is taken 500 mg of hexal. If high doses are taken to calcium together with alkaline agent (such as carbonates), this can lead to a milk alkali syndrome (burnet syndrome) with an increased calcium concentration in the blood (hypercalcaemia), annoyance of the blood (metabolic alkalosis), kidney failure and soft tissue recalification to lead. With the gift of high doses, the calcium level in serum and urine should be checked.
Taking Calcium 500 mg hexal together with other medicines:
Inform your doctor or pharmacist if you take/use other medicines, recently taken/use other medicines to take/use other medicines. Vitamin D increases the effect of calcium 500 mg hexal (absorption increase). Certain diuretic agents (diuretics from the thiazide type) reduce calcium excretion. When taking calcium 500 mg hexal and such medicines, the serum calcium level should therefore be monitored regularly. When taking calcium 500 mg hexal the calcium blood level increases, the sensitivity to certain drugs that increase heartpeaters (herzhicative glycosides) increases and the risk of cardiac arrhythmias increases. Patients under the simultaneous treatment with herzon glycosides and calcium should be monitored by EKG and control of serum calcium levels.
The absorption and thus also the effectiveness of various antibiotics, such as tetracycline, quinolone, some cephalosporins, as well as many other medicines (e.g. the mushroom ketoconazole, iron, sodium fluoride, estramustine, bisphosphonate and L-thyroxine-containing Preparations) is reduced by the simultaneous intake of calcium 500 mg hexal. The absorption of aluminum and wismut salts and thus also their toxicity is increased by the citric acid contained in calcium 500 mg hexal. Between taking calcium 500 mg hexal and taking other preparations, a distance of at least 2 hours should usually be observed. With tetracycline preparations, a time interval of at least 2 hours before or 4-6 hours after taking calcium should be observed. Bisphosphonates or sodium fluoride should be taken at least 3 hours before taking calcium 500 mg hexal.
The bioavailability of calcium can be reduced by antacids, the excretion via the kidney is extended by alkalizing the urine. If you take corticosteroids, this can reduce the absorption of calcium and it may be necessary to increase the dose of calcium 500 mg hexal. Calcium salts reduce the absorption of phosphate through the formation of severely soluble salts. The simultaneous intake of calcium carbonate and sodium hydrogen carbonate (contained in certain agents against heartburn) together with the supply of large amounts of milk and milk products must be avoided, since this can lead to a serious illness (milk alkali syndrome) (see also under "Warnings and precautionary measures ").
Taking calcium 500 mg hexal together with food and drinks:
Please note that dairy products have a high calcium content. 1 liter of milk can contain up to 1,200 mg calcium. This should be taken into account when taking calcium 500 mg hexal. The intake of large amounts of milk and dairy products together with calcium carbonate and sodium hydrogen carbonate (soda) must be avoided, as this can lead to a serious illness (milk alkali syndrome). Interactions can also occur with food that contains oxalic acid, phytic acid or phosphates, such as spinach, rhubarb, grain products. No calcium preparations should be taken within 2 hours after the absorption of food with high content of oxalic acid and phytic acid.
pregnancy and lactation:
If you are pregnant or breastfeed, or if you suspect that you are pregnant or intend to become pregnant, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine.
Calcium 500 mg hexal should only be taken during pregnancy if there is a calcium deficiency.
Still -time:
Calcium 500 mg hexal should only be taken during breastfeeding if there is a calcium deficiency. Calcium merges into breast milk, but this has no harmful influence on the infant when taking calcium in therapeutic doses.
In pregnant and breastfeeding, the appropriate daily intake (including food and supplementary supply) is generally 1,000 - 100 mg of calcium. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the entire daily intake should not be more than 1,500 mg of calcium.
Road and ability to use machines:
Calcium hexal has no or an excessive influence on the traffic and the ability to use machines.
Calcium 500 mg hexal contains sodium and sorbitol:
This medicine contains 56.5 mg sodium (main component of table salt/dining salt) per effervescent tablet. This corresponds to 2.8% of the maximum daily sodium absorption with food recommended for an adult. This medicine contains a maximum of 50 mg Sorbitol Pro effervescent tablet. Sorbitol is a source for fructose. Talk to your doctor before taking this medicine (or your child) if your doctor has informed you that you have (or your child) have an intolerance to some sugar or if you have a hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI) - one Rare congenital disease in which a person cannot reduce fructose - was determined.
3. How should Calcium be taken 500 mg of hexal?
Always take this medicine exactly as described in this package insert or take precisely after instruction from your doctor or pharmacist. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure. The recommended dose is 500- 1,000 mg of calcium daily, accordingly 1 to 2 times a day 1 effervescent tablet.
Type of application:
The effervescent tablets are dissolved in 1 glass of water and drunk immediately after dissolving. A melting of the solution that may occur has no influence on the effectiveness. You can take calcium 500 mg hexal to eat or between meals.
Duration of the application:
The treatment of calcium lack and osteoporosis can be created in the long term. Their duration is based on the desired therapeutic goal. Talk to your doctor how long you should take calcium 500 mg hexal.
If you have taken a large amount of calcium 500 mg hexal than you should:
a one -time overdose is usually without consequences. An overdose of calcium 500 mg hexal leads to increased calcium levels in the blood. Symptoms can be, for example, nausea, vomiting, thirst or constipation. In the long term, this can lead to calcium deposits in vessels and organs. If symptoms arise, please contact your doctor immediately.
If you have any further questions about taking this medicine, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.
4. What side effects are possible?
Like all medicines, this medicine can also have side effects, but this does not have to occur with everyone.
The following frequency information is based on the evaluation of side effects:
very often:
more than 1 treated of 10
1 to 10 treated by 100
occasionally: < Br> 1 to 10 treated by 1
1 to 10 of 10,000
very rare:
less than 1 treated of 10,000
not known:
frequency not estimated on the basis of the available data.
increased calcium concentration in the blood (hypercalcemia).
increased calcium excretion in urine (hypercalcuria).
abdominal pain
nettle addiction
very rare:
Severe allergic reactions such as face, lip, tongue and/or throat swelling (can lead to swallowing and breathing difficulties).
not known:
Milk alkali syndrome
In the first months of the administration of calcium there is an increased calcium excretion in the urine, which can promote stone formation. In the case of renal failure and long -term intake, the calcium concentration in the blood (hypercalcemia), increased calcium excretion in urine (hypercalcuria) and the blood (metabolic alkalosis) can occur.
Announcement of side effects:
If you notice side effects, contact your doctor or pharmacist. This also applies to side effects that are not specified in this package insert. You can also directly see the Federal Institute for Medicines and Medical Devices, Pharmacovigilance, Kurt-Georg-Kiesinger-Allee 3, D-53175 Bonn, website: www.bfarm.de. By reporting side effects, you can help to provide more information about the safety of this drug.
5. How is Calcium 500 mg Hexal to be kept?
keep this medicine for children inaccessible. You can no longer use this medicine after the expiry date specified on the converter and the tube after "usable to". The expiry date refers to the last day of the specified month.
Keep storage conditions:
in the original packaging. Keep the tube closed to protect the content from moisture.
Shelf life after ABRACH:
after the approach for 3 years.
Never dispose of medicines via the waste water (e.g. not via the toilet or sink). Ask in your pharmacy how to dispose of the drug if you no longer use it. You help to protect our environment. Further information can be found at www.bfarm.de/arzneimstimmittelgung.
6. Content of the pack and further information
What calcium 500 mg hexal contains:
The active ingredient is calcium (as calcium carbonate). 1 effervescent tablet contains 500 mg calcium (as calcium carbonate). The other ingredients are: etching acid, citronic acid, sodium carbonate, sodium cyclamate, sodium hydrogen carbonate, saccharin sodium, lemon aroma (contains sorbitol [ph.eur.]).
How calcium 500 mg hexal looks and contents of the pack:
calcium 500 mg hexal are white, round, flat effervescent tablets with lemon smell on both sides. The effervescent tablets are located in a polypropylene tube with a polyethylene plug, which is filled with silicail as a dryer. Calcium 500 mg hexal is available in packs of 20, 40 and 100 effervescent tablets. Not all package sizes may be placed on the market.
Pharmaceutical entrepreneur:
Hexal AG
Industriestrasse 25
83607 Holzkirchen
Telephone: (08024) 908-0
fax: (08024) 908-1290
E-mail: Service@hexal.com
Salutas Pharma GmbH
Otto-von-Guericke-Allee 1
39179 Barleben
This use information was last revised in September 2019.
Source: Information from Package insert
Stand: 09/2021
Made by: Hexal AG
Areas of application
- Calcium deficiency - Supportable treatment of osteoporosis
Calcium carbonate, calcium ion, citric acid, sodium cyclamate, saccharin Sodium, lemon aroma, sorbitol, sorbitol, apples acid, sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium ion
effervescent tablets
Application notes
The overall dose should not be exceeded without consultation with a doctor or pharmacist.
Type of application?
Drink the medicine after dissolving or letting it fall into water (e.g. a glass).
duration of the application?
The duration of use depends on the type of complaint and/or duration of the disease and is therefore only determined by your doctor.
In the case of an overdose, hypercalcaemia with muscle weakness and abdominal pain, constipation, nausea and vomiting can occur. If you suspect an overdose, contact a doctor immediately.
continue taking it normally (not with the double quantity) at the next prescribed time. The following applies
: Pay particular attention to a conscientious dosage in infants, toddlers and older people. If in doubt, ask your doctor or pharmacist about any effects or precautionary measures.
A dosage prescribed by the doctor may differ from the information on the package insert. Since the doctor coordinates you individually, you should therefore apply the medicine according to his instructions.
mode of action
How does the ingredient of the drug work?
calcium ions are of crucial importance in the activation of biological systems. A lack of calcium in the blood increases, but an excess reduces neuromuscular excitability. Oral calcium intake promotes the remineralization of the skeleton in the event of a shortage of calcium. In addition, the active ingredient stomach acid binds and neutralizes. Calcium forms with stomach acid, which is difficult to solve salts, which are excreted through bowel movements. The fabric acts against heartburn, belching and other acid -related stomach complaints. In addition, there is a reduced risk that ulcers in the gastrointestinal area will occur as a result of acidification.
What speaks against an application?
- hypersensitivity to the ingredients
- Increased calcium excretion in urine
- increased calcium values ​​
- restricted kidney function
- inclination for the formation of calcium -containing kidney stones
- limestone deposits in the kidney
Age group should be observed?
- children and adolescents under the age of 18: There are no dosage information for this age group.
What about pregnancy and breastfeeding?
- pregnancy: contact your doctor. Different considerations play a role in whether and how the medicine can be used during pregnancy.
- breastfeeding: contact your doctor or pharmacist. He will check your special starting position and advise you accordingly whether and how you can continue with breastfeeding.
If you have been prescribed the medicine despite a counter -notification, speak to your doctor or pharmacist. The therapeutic benefit can be higher than the risk of using a counter -notification.
Side effects
What undesirable effects can occur?
- Increased calcium values ​​
- increased calcium excretion in urine
- constipation
- flatulence
- abdominal pain
- nausea
- dizziness
- nestel addiction
- itching < BR> - Rash
If you notice a disorder or change during treatment, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
For information at this point, side effects are taken into account that occurs in at least one of 1,000 patients treated.
Important information
What should you consider?
- be careful with allergy against the sweetener cyclamat (E 952)!
- Beware of allergy against the sweetener saccharin (E 954)!
caution in the event of intolerance to fructose (fructose). If you have to adhere to a diabetes diet, you should take the sugar content into account.
package insert
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Hexal Calcium 500 effervescent tablets
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  • Includes any applicable VAT and customs duty.
  • Air shipping cost to be recalculated with delivery address at checkout.
  • To be delivered in 6 - 9 * working days.
  • 100% genuine and new product.
  • Credit card / Cash on Delivery
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