Arcoroc Brio Champagne Flutes 3.3oz / 95ml - Set of 6 | Champagne Flutes, Tempered Champagne Glasses, Port Glasses

Arcoroc Brio Champagne Flutes 3.3oz / 95ml - Set of 6 | Champagne Flutes, Tempered Champagne Glasses, Port Glasses

AED 157.00
+ AED 94.00 Air Shipping

  • Includes any applicable VAT and customs duty.
  • Air shipping cost to be recalculated with delivery address at checkout.
  • To be delivered in 6 - 9 * working days.
  • 100% genuine and new product.
  • Credit card / Cash on Delivery
Also ideal for port and sherry
Brio Champagne Flutes, includes Effervescence Plus. Dishwasher safe.

H 172mm Ø 50mm Arcoroc Brio champagne SIP Cup 95ml, glass, transparent, without fillers rich, 6 piece

The Arcoroc Brio Champagne flute - full-bodied taste for sparkling wine, elegant and stylish, serves for the personal enjoyment or big celebrations.
premium quality products from Arcoroc are for the finest table culture. Arc International is the world's leading manufacturers of exclusive and elegant tableware series, with the highest standards of quality.
optics: whether you are at home with family and friends, in a Restaurant or Hotel, the Arcoroc Brio Champagne flute is practical and always applicable.
cleaning: This high quality product is suitable for the dishwasher.
dimensions and weight: diameter: 56mm, height: 171mm, weight: 111g, maximum capacity: 95ml
Product Safety

Arcoroc Brio Sektschluckkelch 95ml, Glas, transparent, ohne Füllstrich, 6 Stück

Der Arcoroc Brio Sektkelch - Vollmundiger Geschmack für perlenden Schaumwein, elegant und stilvoll serviert für den persönlichen Genuss oder große Feiern.
Premiumqualität: Produkte aus dem Hause Arcoroc stehen für feinste Tischkultur. Arc International zählt zu den weltweit führenden Herstellern exklusiver und eleganter Geschirrserien, mit höchstem Anspruch an Qualität.
Optik und Design: Egal ob daheim mit Familie und Freunden, im Restaurant oder Hotel, der Arcoroc Brio Sektkelch ist zweckmässig und immer einsetzbar.
Reinigung: Dieses hochwertige Produkt ist für die Reinigung in der Spülmaschine geeignet.
Abmessungen und Gewicht: Durchmesser: 56mm, Höhe: 171mm, Gewicht: 111g, maximale Füllmenge: 95ml

Product Information
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Arcoroc Brio Champagne Flutes 3.3oz / 95ml - Set of 6 | Champagne Flutes, Tempered Champagne Glasses, Port Glasses

AED 157.00
+ AED 94.00 Air Shipping
  • Includes any applicable VAT and customs duty.
  • Air shipping cost to be recalculated with delivery address at checkout.
  • To be delivered in 6 - 9 * working days.
  • 100% genuine and new product.
  • Credit card / Cash on Delivery
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