Chipolino Master Chef High Chair Seat Adjustable Foldable Strap Wheels Bag Colour: Beige

Chipolino Master Chef High Chair Seat Adjustable Foldable Strap Wheels Bag Colour: Beige

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  • Includes any applicable VAT and customs duty.
  • Air shipping cost to be recalculated with delivery address at checkout.
  • To be delivered in 6 - 9 * working days.
  • 100% genuine and new product.
  • Credit card / Cash on Delivery
High chair in beige for children from about 6 months, maximum weight 15 kg, your child should be able to sit unaided. Wide and comfortable seat made of high-quality leather, easy to clean, 3-way adjustable backrest with bag. Adjustable footrest, double tray (the top can be removed for cleaning), table is adjustable and removable. 6-way height adjustable seat, compact folding, 5-point safety belt with leg separator, Lightweight and sturdy frame, storage basket under the seat, four wheels with brakes on the legs for easy pushing.
The Master Chief highchair allows children from about six months to eat at the table at eye level. The seat can be adjusted in height several times and thus optimally adapts to the table height. The backrest and the footrest can be adjusted to different sitting and lying positions so that your child can take a nap immediately after eating. The high chair has four wheels with brakes to slide it aside comfortably. The table is equipped with two food trays and can be adjusted and removed. The 5-point safety belt ensures the safety of your pet. After use, the high chair can be conveniently folded and stowed away. Special features item: Chipolino high chair Master Chef seat adjustable foldable strap wheels bag Further information about the item Chipolino High Chair Master Chef Seat Adjustable Foldable Strap Wheels Bag
Product Safety

Der Kinderhochstuhl Master Chief ermöglicht es Kindern ab ungefähr sechs Monaten mit Ihnen am Tisch auf Augenhöhe zu Essen. Der Sitz ist mehrfach in der Höhe verstellbar und passt sich somit optimal der Tischhöhe an. Die Rückenlehne sowie die Fußstütze lassen sich in verschiedene Sitz- und Liegepositionen einstellen, sodass Ihr Kind nach dem Essen direkt sein Nickerchen machen kann. Der Hochstuhl verfügt über vier Rollen mit Bremsen, um ihn bequem beiseite zu schieben. Der Tisch ist mit zwei Essenstabletts ausgestattet und kann verstellt sowie abgenommen werden. Für die Sicherheit Ihres Lieblings sorgt der 5-Punkt Sicherheitsgurt. Nach Gebrauch kann der Hochstuhl bequem zusammengeklappt und verstaut werden. 

Product Information
  • Dimension :
  • Colour :
  • Is portable :
  • Item Weight :
  • Material Type :
  • Number Of Items :
  • Seating capacity :
  • Batteries required :
  • Product Dimensions :
  • Maximum Weight Recommendation :

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Chipolino Master Chef High Chair Seat Adjustable Foldable Strap Wheels Bag Colour: Beige
Ask For Price
  • Includes any applicable VAT and customs duty.
  • Air shipping cost to be recalculated with delivery address at checkout.
  • To be delivered in 6 - 9 * working days.
  • 100% genuine and new product.
  • Credit card / Cash on Delivery
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