Geuther 2261 Lucilee Playpen | Fit: 90 cm x 97 cm | 3-Way Tool-Free Height Adjustable | Padded Playpen | Available in 4 Colours and 7 Designs | Colour: Natural | Pattern: Circle

Geuther 2261 Lucilee Playpen | Fit: 90 cm x 97 cm | 3-Way Tool-Free Height Adjustable | Padded Playpen | Available in 4 Colours and 7 Designs | Colour: Natural | Pattern: Circle

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  • Includes any applicable VAT and customs duty.
  • Air shipping cost to be recalculated with delivery address at checkout.
  • To be delivered in 6 - 9 * working days.
  • 100% genuine and new product.
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3-way height adjustment allows long service life and back-friendly lifting of the child. Compact collapsible: space-saving storage when not in use and ideal as a travel cot. Stable and mobile thanks to 4 lockable carpet wheels. Padded floor hygienically wipe clean and available in 3 designs. Sustainable, durable quality: made in Germany from solid beech wood. GS tested: TÜV Rheinland (GS test number: S60127773)
The Meegroeiende box Lucilee voldoet aan de hoogste iron wat concerns kwaliteit, veiligheid en comfort. De uitvoering in detail: The box is 3-voudig in hoogte adjustable : op het hoogste level kan de baby rugvriendelijk in de box has been legged of verwijderd. As het kind groter is, wordt de bodem naar beneden verplaatst door de 4 bodemdragers in de gaten van de gewenste hoogte te steken. The bodem van de box is voerd, vochtig afwasbaar en verkrijgbaar in maximum 7 designs. De mobiele box state op four afsluitbare tapijtrollen. Hij kan compact has been opgevouwen, ruimtebessparend has been opgeborgen of onderweg as a Reisbed has been born. Made in Duitsland van massief beukenhout en met afgeronde hoekbeslag van duurzame kunststof. Verrijgbaar in 2 mats and 4 colours. Wordt gedeeltelijk demonteerd geleverd including mounting material. All broken sheets, films and fabrics zijn speeksel- en double endig en vrij van schadelijke fabrics. TÜV-tested en bekroond met GS certificaat. The Lucilee playpen meets the highest standards of quality, safety and comfort. The features in detail: the playpen is adjustable to 3 different heights: on the highest level, the baby can be placed in the playpen or lifted out without the back. If the child is bigger, the floor is moved down by inserting the 4 floor supports into the holes of the desired height. The base of the playpen is padded, wipe clean with a damp cloth and available in up to 7 designs. The mobile playpen stands on four lockable carpet wheels. It can be folded compactly, space-saving storage or used as a travel cot on the go. Made in Germany from solid beech wood and rounded corner fittings made of durable plastic. Available in 2 sizes and 4 colours. Delivered partially disassembled including mounting material. All varnishes, films and fabrics used are saliva and sweat proof and free from harmful substances. TÜV-tested and awarded GS certificate. Rostoucí mžížka Lucilee splùuje nejvyšší nároky na kvalitu, bezpečnost a comfort. Podrobnosti o vybavení: Mžíž na běhání je nastavitelná ve 3 stupních: Na nejvyšší úrovni lze dítě vkládat do běhání nebo zvednout záda na záda. Je-li dítě větší, se zemi posune směrem dolù tím, že 4 držáky na podlahy zastrčí do otvorù požadované výšky. Dno běhounu je polstrované, lze čistit vlhkým hadžíkem a je k dostání v až 7 designech. Mobilní běžecký steál stojí na čtyžech určení koleček. Dá se kompaktně složit, skladně uložit, resp. použít na cestách jako cestovní postel. Vyrobeno v Německu z masivního bukového dževa a se zaoblenými rohovými kováním z odolného plastu. K dostání ve 2 velikostech a 4 barvách. Dodávka probíhá částečně v rozloženém stavu vč. montážního materiálu. Všechny použité laky, fólie a látky jsou odolné vči slinám a potu a bez škodlivých látek. Testováno TÜV a oceněno certifikátem GS. The Lucilee grows with your child meets the highest standards of quality, safety and comfort. The equipment in detail: the playpen can be adjusted to 3 different heights: at the highest level, the baby can be placed in the playpen or lifted out. If the child is bigger, the floor is moved downwards by inserting the 4 floor supports into the holes of the desired height. The base of the playpen is padded, wipe clean with a damp cloth and available in up to 7 designs. The mobile playpen stands on four lockable carpet rollers. It can be folded compactly, stowed away to save space or used as a travel cot on the go. Made in Germany from solid beech wood and with rounded corner fittings made of durable plastic. Available in 2 sizes and 4 colours. Delivered partially disassembled with mounting material. All paints, films and fabrics used are saliva and sweat-proof and free from harmful substances. TÜV-tested and awarded GS certificate. Rosnčcy wraz z dzieckiem kojca Lucilee spełnia najwyższe wymagania jakočci, bezpieczeùstwa i comfort. Szczegóły dotyczčce wyposażenia: Kocik ma 3-stopniowč regulację wysokočci: Na najwyższym poziomie dziecko moza poşoza yč w kojcu lub wyjč z niego w sposób oszczę dzajčcy plecy bez obcičżania pleców. Ječli dziecko jest większe, dno jest przesuwane w dół, wkładajčc 4 wsporniki do otworów na żčdanč wysokoč. Dno kratki jest wyčcieşane, przecierane na mokro i dostępne w 7 wzorach. Przenočny kojec stoi na czterech rolkach dywanowych. Moza go zşożyč do niewielkich rozmiarów, nie zajmuje duza miejsca podczas przechowywania lub uza ywač w podróza y jako şóza ko turystyczne. Wyprodukowano w Niemczech z litego drewna bukowego z zaokrčglonymi okuciami narożnymi z wytrzymaùego tworzywa sztucznego. Dostępne w 2 rozmiarach i 4 colorach. Dostawa w stanie częčciowo rozmontowanym wraz z material montażowym. Wszystkie użyte lakiery, film i materiaşy sč odporne na člinę, pot i nie zawierajč szkodliwych substancji. Certyfikat TÜV i wyróza niony certyfikatem GS. Einzelteile; Bedienungsanleitung
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Geuther 2261 Lucilee Playpen | Fit: 90 cm x 97 cm | 3-Way Tool-Free Height Adjustable | Padded Playpen | Available in 4 Colours and 7 Designs | Colour: Natural | Pattern: Circle
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  • Includes any applicable VAT and customs duty.
  • Air shipping cost to be recalculated with delivery address at checkout.
  • To be delivered in 6 - 9 * working days.
  • 100% genuine and new product.
  • Credit card / Cash on Delivery
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